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A Trip to Rattlesnake Mountain

A Trip to Rattlesnake Mountain

After a late summer, the true feel of autumn had begun to set in throughout the Mid-Atlantic.  As with every year, nature painted its glowing mural through the treetops like a wildfire that calmly cascades along the roadways, river valleys, and distant hillsides. ...
Sittin’ on a Fence in the Woods- A Vulture Rescue

Sittin’ on a Fence in the Woods- A Vulture Rescue

Only a few hours ago I was running through a dense suburban jungle full of thorns, poison ivy, and mosquitoes, chasing down a vulture with a broken wing that, although injured and having just been shot at, ran more like a roadrunner than a bird of prey. Wait a second,...
Bear on the Run – Can Our Lost Wildlife Return?

Bear on the Run – Can Our Lost Wildlife Return?

As I sit and write, only a short distance from my suburban home a lone black bear is on the run like a fugitive accused of a crime it had not committed. Reports have been flooding in as it meanders across our farmlands, deciduous forests, river valleys, and backyards...

Connecting the Dots for the Baltimore Checkerspot

Great meeting on the Baltimore Checkerspot ernbutterfly (our state insect) yesterday withan amazing team of folks that are working to hopefully create a corridor of sites across Harford County that these butterflies can use for their life cycle. A bonus was getting to...

The Zombie Toads Awaken!

Each year we anxiously await the emergence of each species. One of the most unique is the Eastern spadefoot toad which begins to crawl out of sandy soil during the first warm, heavy spring rain like zombies in a horror movie. These toads are nocturnal, can feature...